Portfolio Sharon Marta Portfolio Sharon Marta

Squarespace Website Design for Author & Book Cover Design

Mood Board


The Website

Once the book is finished, how do you promote your book? Direct traffic to your own website. Build credibility as an author, capture your audience onto an email list with a free chapter download and develop a deep connection with a custom branded design.


The Homepage

The homepage has several sections including a product feature, a short bio, a credibility section, testimonials, call-to-action buttons to purchase the book, call-to-action to join the email list, links to social media.

Proven Sales Copy & SEO

Beautiful design is only part of the equations. We use proven SEO strategies and proven sales copy techniques to relate to the viewer on a personal and emotional level.


Are you ready to step into the next level of your business?

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Portfolio Sharon Marta Portfolio Sharon Marta

Squarespace Website Design for Interior Designer & Branding

We love helping small businesses refresh their brand and step into that higher level of professionalism they want their ideal clients to see them as. We strategized on the client’s ideal customer avatar, what message they want to send to that ideal customer and the best way to attract them. See below for the overall brand refresh and website redesign.


The Website

The challenge was to create a custom website that addressed the client’s fears, struggles and took the viewer on a guided path towards learning how she can help.



We used elements of the client’s work and incorporated them into the design. For instance, the blue and white floral tile is a photo of actual home tile that we turned into a pattern and used throughout the web design. Other home photos are on brand colors to create a cohesive and professional design. Professional sales copy is used to draw the viewer into taking the next step of action, to book a free discovery call.


High-Converting Layout & SEO

Beautiful design is only part of the equations. We use proven SEO strategies and proven sales copy techniques that connects with the viewer on a personal and emotional level.


Are you ready to have a killer website you can be proud of?

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Portfolio Sharon Marta Portfolio Sharon Marta

Squarespace Website Design for Essential Oils / Network Marketing

As an essential oil advocate and leader, I needed an online presence that not only had space for my link, education, classes, blog posts, trainings, and downloads BUT, also attracted my ideal audience with the right branding. I needed something that was flexible and one that could grow with me as my brand grew. I looked and looked at other website templates for essential oil leaders, and I couldn’t find one that truly matched what I was looking for. THUS, I created my own. This is the Mama Bird essential oil leader website. It has everything a lifestyle essential oil leader could need.

The problem with other essential website templates out there

  • Very limited on what you can change

  • They all look the same, no personalization or customizing to your style

  • They don’t fully belong to you, owned by the company

  • Very corporate and stale looking, no way of standing out and looking different

  • All about the product and not about connection or serving your audience

  • No way to add my own lead magnets

  • No way to add my own shop


Lifestyle Homepage

Your tribe follows you because of you and how you show up for your audience. Having an online presence that reflects that is vital to your brand. Show your audience you are there to serve them with your resources. Offer blog posts, free downloads, classes, even an online shop where you can sell digital downloads or physical products.


Essential Oil Leader Page

  • Support your leaders

  • Allow leaders to have a page on your website with their bio and link

  • Search bar can search by name or rank


Starter Kit Sales Page

Done-for-you Sales Page

This done-for-you sales page is professionally written and designed with the “sales process” model. Start with an easy “how to use” graphics, your personal story, other testimonies, how to save with a starter kit, the benefits of essential rewards, and how you will support them through the process.



  • Create Categories of blogging topics

  • Serve your audience with helpful information or resources you love

  • Blog about your expertise, not just your product

  • Get found in google and pin blog posts to Pinterest

  • Turn your Instagram videos into blog posts to get found on google


Business Resource Page

Get people interested in doing the business with accessible information on how your team does business and how easy it is to do. Create separate blog posts specifically for your business leaders or future business leaders.


Classes & Events

Post classes or events on your website where viewers can see upcoming events and download reminders to their ical or google calendars.

Take a step even further and post short videos of your 101 class so that it’s always online and place to direct new members or potential members.


Capture Leads

Getting visitors to your website is just one piece of the sales process, capturing your leads email addresses will allow you to retain those leads and bring them back. Attract new essential oil people to your business with a “Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils” download. Use your own or I can help you set up your email management system and attach a free download to start growing that email list.

Automated EO 101 Class

Upgrade to include an email welcome sequence of emails that will drip into your lead’s email box over a period of 10 days. This allows you to build a relationship with your audience and help them to trust you with their health journey.


Branding is more than just a logo, it’s every touchpoint you have with your audience and the impression that leaves with them. All visuals like color palette, photos, fonts, icons, and textures can contribute to the visual branding of your website.

How do you want to be perceived by your audience?

What impression do you leave with them?


Are you ready to step into the next level of your business?

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Portfolio Sharon Marta Portfolio Sharon Marta

SquarespaceWebsite Design for Retreat Venue

Squarespace Website Design & Brand Refresh for SoCal Retreat Venue

Green Oak Ranch has been around for over 70 years. Needless to say, it was time for a brand refresh. We curated a mood board that still captured the rustic ranch look but brought it up to the times with a more modern color palette, fonts, textures, and icons.

The Mood Board

Within a month of being live, Green Oak Ranch gained over 70 subscribers and 800 visitors!



Green Oak Ranch had 2 separate websites with 2 different url’s. There were over 20 pages on each website that could easily be combined to reduce the amount of clicks a viewer would need to make to find what they were looking for.


  • Make the website more user-friendly

  • An easy to navigate menu

  • Clear call to action items to drive traffic to support the ranch

  • Brand refresh to update the look of the ranch.


We streamlined two branches of the ranch and combined them into one cohesive website that is much easier to navigate, cleaner, and also envelops the rich history of the ranch.



I always recommend you have a lead magnet or opt-in on your website to capture leads. We designed a branded printable brochure for Green Oak Ranch.



Ready To Feel Confident In Your Brand & Website?

Let’s create a website that gives you the confidence to show up and is geared to ATTRACT your ideal client.

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Portfolio Sharon Marta Portfolio Sharon Marta

Squarespace Website Design for Author & Speaker

Denise came to me for a web design with some amazing branding photos. From her photos, I could already sense the style we would take the website to. We chatted about her ideal audience and what her main goal was for her site. We made sure to direct the visitors to her speaking engagements and book her. We designed her website to show her level of professionalism, high-end quality, and her sincere authenticity.

Mood Board:

For the mood board, I went with the professional, high-end look with the black and gold color palette.


I set up Denise with a blog to chat about all things to help support women in business and faith. I set her up with a newsletter signup form so she could collect leads and email out newsletters when she had a new blog post. She anticipates a book coming out, so I set her up with a book page where visitors can buy her book.

Interested in a custom branded website?

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Portfolio Sharon Marta Portfolio Sharon Marta

Website Design for Authors & Branding

Natalie Parrish came to me initially for a book cover design. We discovered she had much bigger goals to connect people with their local natural food sources and giving back to communities. We had a branding session to define her mission and her ideal clients. From there we could build out her website, not only to promote her book but also so she could build a community through an email list management system and be a source of knowledge for her expertise through her blog.


Book Cover Design & Promotional Graphics





Natalie wanted to put her Mantra and Mission statement out into the world while setting up an additional stream of income through an online shop. We designed custom designs for her sayings and created tote bags, T-shirts, and mugs in her shop. We used Printful for her print-on-demand shop, which integrates with Squarespace seamlessly. This print-on-demand shop runs on auto-pilot for Natalie. All orders and fulfillment are taken care of through Printful.


“Sharon is so multi-talented and gifted. In just one meeting of discussing my website, I shared with Sharon the colors I liked, who I was as a person and how I wanted my website to authentically represent me and my love for helping others. I had a vision of what I wanted my website to be...Sharon’s design for my website exceeded my expectations. It’s better than I imagined! Her attention to detail - choice of pictures, colors, hues and gradient were so perfect for me. Not only was I beyond ecstatic with her work, she is an all around kind, thoughtful person with a gentle joyful spirit.”


Let’s uplevel your business

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Blog Sharon Marta Blog Sharon Marta

How I Grew My Audience to 4,000 monthly viewers with 1 Blog Post

I thought I would do amazing growing my business with just social media. I’m a graphic designer of 20 years and a super techy chic. I am not afraid to try new things or put myself out there. I’ll do video, create flyers and try to master any program I need to get the results.

However, when it came to growing my Young Living business online, I was struggling majorly to reach new people. I had no one coming to my classes. My social media posts were only being seen by my inner circle of friends and family and that’s it.

I remember trying ALL the methods biz groups were telling me to do.

I tried reaching out to old friends, I joined Facebook groups to make new friends, I posted every 5th post about my product, I started my own Facebook group, I did giveaways, collabed with others, sent happy mail, I purchased brochures, booklets, courses and the list goes on.

All of this for almost 4 years and I was getting 0 leads and 0 interaction. Literally!!

Something HAD to change.

I Stopped Listening To What Wasn’t Working

It takes a good amount of self-awareness to really examine yourself and ultimately admit to yourself when something you’ve been doing for years, actually ISN’T working. It may even hurt a little to admit it to yourself. Just remember, everyone’s situation is different and it’s ok to pivot. It doesn’t mean you failed, it just means you’ve learned a way that didn’t work for you.

A Well-Designed Website

As a graphic and web designer, I knew I could start the process of drawing attention to my business through a well-designed website. I used best strategies when setting it up, intentionally placing email capture systems throughout my website. Having been a web designer for years, my go-to platform is Squarespace. It’s beautiful and easy to learn. But, that was only part of the equation.

SEO - Long-Tail Keywords

SEO, or search engine optimization, is something I had to research and learn. It’s more than just keywords. There are specific phrases (the technical term is “long-tail keywords”) that are most common in search results. You want to find what those commonly searched phrases are and get found for those.

I use a plugin called, KeywordsEverwhere, for google that shows me how often a long-tail keyword is searched. Don’t use phrases that have a 0 times searched next to them. Also, don’t use search terms in the millions (you’ll never be found). Somewhere around 1,000 times searched or less is good for start up businesses. Put that long-tail keyword everywhere in your blog post and in the image descriptions.

This will help you get found on Google! But, these keyword methods work for Pinterest and YouTube as well.


Pinterest is a search engine and you definitely want to be found in Pinterest if you are blogging or selling products or services. It takes a little extra help from a pinning community like Tailwind App to get your pins circulating on Pinterest. Join a few pinning tribes in your industry and you’ll start to see your pins circulating.

A well-designed Pin graphic is also important. Make sure your graphic pops among the sea of graphics on Pinterest.

4,000 Visitors Per Month To My Website

All these elements working together setup my blog post for success. My best blog post combined all these elements, a well-designed Pinterest graphic, long-tail keyword title, circulated on Tailwind App that directed visitors to my website where I captured their email address. That 1 blog post brought in over 6,000 visitors the first couple of months and then steadliy around 4,000 visitors per month.


My Email List and Instagram Grew At The Same Time

I grew my email list from 0 to 500 in less than a year and my Instagram followers went up as a result as well. See my Lead magnet templates here.

I’m still gaining new visitors from that blog post

2 years later and that 1 blog post is still bringing me new visitors each month. I have blogged more and not all of them have brought in the same amount of visitors.

Things You Can Do To Grow Your Audience Right Away

  1. Discover who your ideal audience is

  2. Research what your audience is searching for on Pinterest, Google, & YouTube

  3. Create content that is helping a PAIN that your audience has been needing help with

  4. Capture their email address to stay in contact with them.


Watch My FREE SEO masterclass and Learn How to increase your reach

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Blog Sharon Marta Blog Sharon Marta

Why You Need A Lead Magnet/Email Opt-in

Why Just posting on Social Media Doesn’t Grow Your Business

After years of posting on social media, I realized I needed a different strategy to growing my business. My business posts were getting zero engagement on Facebook and Instagram. What I didn’t realize about the algorithm on social media, was that Facebook and Instagram were only showing my posts to my inner circle of family and friends. It was impossible to reach outside that inner circle without paying for ads.

I realized this wasn’t a way to grow a business. I wasn’t attracting my “ideal client” in any way, shape or form.

I needed a way to reach a wider audience to find my ideal client.

Why You Need A Lead Magnet:
Find Your Ideal Client, The Carrot Cake Analogy

I realized that I needed to create specific and valuable content so I could attract my ideal audience. I began to think of it like baking a carrot cake. I wanted to narrow my audience down to just the group of people who I knew would like my content. Just like carrot cake attracts a pretty narrow group of people, I only wanted to attract the people who are going to like my content.

So, who did I want to attract? Who was my ideal audience? I needed to really sit and think. I wanted to attract women/mom’s like me in their 20’s to 40’s. Mom’s who didn’t start out healthy but were starting to learn a healthier way of helping out their family live. Mom’s who wanted to learn about swapping out toxins for healthy options but were still buying some unhealthy options. I didn’t want to alienate them or condem them but wanted to make them feel normal and comfortable.

TIP: Write down all the things you believe your ideal client is and tape it to your wall where you can see it daily. All the things that resonate with them, how they feel about themselves, where they are at in their journey, what kind of person they want to be and how you can be a friend to them to help them get there.

Why You Need A Lead Magnet:
Creating a Lead Magnet that attracts your ideal audience

So, my first lead magnet was an ebook called “A Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils” designed for the mom who wanted to help her family with all natural remedies. I used a clean, feminine design, with high quality photos. I incorporated images of women and children into the design. I Created a Pinterest graphic of it and posted it on Pinterest, where I knew my audience was “looking” for solutions. I offered it to new members and posted it on my Instagram as a freebie. I created a few blog posts that I knew my audience would be looking for and I pinned those to Pinterest as well.

Within 1 year of starting this method and leading people to my website, I grew my email list from 0 to 500. It was FINALLY WORKING! I was attracting my ideal audience and they wanted to hear from me.

Why You Need A Lead Magnet:
Lead Magnet Email Management

Now, even though I have a website, that doesn’t mean you absolutely need to have a website to have a lead magnet and grow your tribe. But, you do need an email capture system.

I have used several email capture systems over the years, from MadMiMi, MailChimp, MailerLite, to ConvertKit.

Right now, I am loving Flodesk. The designer in me loves the beautiful layouts and ease of use. If you use my link you can get 50% off the monthly plan.

Depending on your email client will depend how you setup your “workflow” or welcome campaign. With Flodesk you can upload your file directly to your welcome email for your audience to download immediately.

Let me know if you’d like a video on how to set up your first welcome email with Flodesk.


8 Lead Magnet Ideas for Essential Oil Boss Babes:

There really is an unlimited amount of ideas for lead magnets. In fact, any class you’ve given can be turned into a lead magnet. Here are just a few recommendations along with my ready-made Canva templates.

  1. A Beginner’s Guide to Using Essential Oils

  2. An All Natural Cleaning Guide to Using Essential Oils

  3. Healthy Recipes using Essential Oils

  4. How to Use Essential Oils with Kids

  5. Pregnancy and Essential Oils

  6. Winter Wellness with Essential Oils

  7. All natural beauty with Essential Oils

  8. Holiday Make & Takes with Essential Oils

How to create a lead magnet

There are many ways to create a lead magnet

  1. Use a Google Doc. You can keep things super easy and type up your info in a google doc, copy the link to share in your welcome email. I know many six figure earners who still use google docs in their deliverables. Make sure to include Your Story, Your Content and A Call to Action at the end (which could be as simple as to follow you on Instagram or join your Facebook group.)

  2. Use a template. I have found that using Canva templates has been the easiest for my boss babes. It’s a free program and allows for total freedom to edit and change things up. Plus, it comes with hundreds of professional photos, fonts and graphics to add into it. Get CanvaPro to get access to their pro fonts and photos.

  3. Create from scratch. If you’re tech savvy and design savvy, and have access to design programs like InDesign, PhotoShop or Illustrator, you can create your own. Download the final as a pdf and upload the pdf to your email client.

  4. Hire a designer. A designer can create a unique branded lead magnet for your business. If you’re ready to set yourself apart and create a branded look that delivers the level of professionalism you want to portray with your business, then I highly recommend hiring a branding designer. A branding designer will not only create a branded look for your biz, but will carry that look across all your marketing material to create that cohesive and consistent message. See my branding page that talks more about branding.

Are you going to setup your lead magnet today?

Watch my Tutorial on How To Create A Lead Magnet in Canva using my template.

2 Lead Magnet Templates in Canva for Essential Oil Boss Babes


If You Need Help Setting Up Your Website

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